The King in Yellow Irony

The King in Yellow Irony

Not worth it

According to Hildred Castaigne, Dr. Archer’s work “was hardly worth his fee”. Although Hildred just suffered from pain in his neck and in the back of his head because he fell off his horse, the doctor placed him “in private asylum”. The irony is that Dr. Archer’s help is really worth his fee, for Hildred is not only ill but dangerous for the society.

Killed with the best of intentions

That was a really unremarkable day but then an unexpected thing happened. Hildred Castaigne was hurting up somewhere when somebody “mercifully sent a bullet through my horses’ head”. The phrase about someone, who “mercifully sent a bullet”, is an irony, for a long series of misfortunes starts after that and a murder of an innocent and absolutely healthy animal could hardly be characterized as a merciful one.


Dr. Archer works as a doctor and we have to admit that he is a really successful one. In spite of the fact that Hildred Castaigne had always known that his mind was as sound as Archer’s, Hilfred “paid his tuition”. However, Hildred promised him “to get even with him for his mistake”. The irony of this situation was the fact that Hildred really needed help and Dr. Archer did everything he could.

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