The Koran

The Koran Analysis

The Koran can be seen in many different ways, both as a sacred text and as a work of historical narrative and morality. However, some analytical highlights can be outlined outside of its religious application.

Firstly, the Koran argues that humans exist because Allah created us, and that Allah has expectations for our behavior, which we can choose because of our free will. The Koran indicates that it is the sole text which is authoritative for the conduct and religious views of its followers. It argues for a specific code of behavior which constitutes holiness in the life of a Muslim, including five pillars which include daily prayer and a trip to Mecca if at all possible.

The Koran can also be said to differentiate itself from the previous religions, Christianity and Judaism. This does not mean that there aren't thematic connections, and indeed, the Koran contains many of the same stories as the Torah, and it also deals with the historical person of Jesus; however, it does not teach that Jesus died on the cross. It instead argues in a similar way to many mystic, gnostic gospels, that Jesus was spared from death and ascended into heaven like the prophet Elijah.

The Koran does not teach that Jesus rose from the dead, or that humans need to be saved from divine condemnation in order to go to heaven when they die. Instead, the Koran offers several expositional statements about the apocalyspe and the afterlife, which usually have to do with Allah blessing his servants with eternal paradise.

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