The Koran Quotes


"Wherever you maybe, death will overtake you even if you are in a lofty tower.

Qur'an 4:78

This is an inevitable truth we can't escape. This quote is a reminder that it doesn't matter if you live in a villa or a palace, death will find you.

God removes any doubt the deserters from qitaal (fighting) may entertain. They think that perhaps by dodging qitaal, they can dogde death. Therefore it was said that there will be a day of death, a day when it must come, no matter where you are; it will come exactly where you are. When this is settled, there is no sense in backing out from qitaal.

God reminds us of death through various ayaat ( verses) of the Qur'an.

"Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish.".....Qur'an 55:26

"Everyone shall taste death.".........Qur'an 3:185

"If you are grateful, I will increase you."

Qur'an 14:7

This is God declaring that if you are grateful even just a little bit, I will increase you. One would think that it is necessary to be grateful to Him alone but no, He means grateful to your parents, friends, employer and even for your health. If you could show gratitude even the least bit, God says I swear (no doubt) I will increase you. God usually doesn't use I in the Qur'an but normally uses we except in the most intense cases. In this promise, He did not limit what He will increase you in, and this is actually the beauty of this quote.

"Allah does not lay a responsibility on anyone beyond his capacity. In his favour shall be whatever good each one does, and against him whatever evil he does."

Qur'an 2:286

Man's answerability to God is limited by the extent of his ability. If a man does not have the ability to do a certain thing, God will not take him to task for having not performed it. In the same way, if it is really beyond a man's ability to abstain from something, God will not blame him for having failed to abstain from it. It should be noted here that man will not be the final judge as to whether he had the ability to do something or not. Such judgement will be made by God alone.

This quote shows that every man will be rewarded for the services he has rendered and the same applies to punishment. It is the one who is guilty who will be punished. It is possible, however, that if a man has initiated either good or bad practices, they will continue to affect people's lives. The resulting good and bad deeds of people will be reckoned either to their credit or against them, since they are clearly related to their efforts and actions. It is impossible, however, that a man should be either rewarded for an act of goodness or punished for an act of evil in which he has had no share - neither by intent nor practical action.

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