The Koran Metaphors and Similes

The Koran Metaphors and Similes

Hearts of stone

In Surat Al-Baqarah [2:74] the speaker describes the hearts of those who hear the truth but refuse to believe it as being made of stone which no matter how much a person tries, it cannot be changed. The stone mentioned here is used in a metaphorical way and it represents stubbornness when faced with the truth and an overly just attitude which cannot be changed by arguments.

The hands of Allah

In Surat Al-Ma'idah [5:64] the speaker mentions how many Jews claim that the hands of Allah are chained and that because of this they have power and influence. In this context, the hands of Allah are used in a metaphorical way and are used to represent the divine interventions which can be seen by everyone and which are easy to observe.

Like a seed

In Al-Fat’h, 29 the truth is compared with a seed that is planted inside a person's heart. If the person takes care of this seed and cultivates it, then it will produce a wonderful plant that will not be easily destroyed. This is an important comparison because it highlights the importance of always cultivating one's faith. Without these sustained efforts, a person's faith will ultimately die and disappear completely.

Like grains planted on a fertile field

In Al-Baqara, 261 the speaker compares those who give everything they have to Allah with a person who has a handful of seeds and instead of consuming them decides to plant them on fertile land in hopes of harvesting tenfold what was planted. This similarity is important because it transmits the idea that as long as a person does everything he or she can to support the faith, then Allah will take care of that person to never be in need and to always have enough to survive and thrive.


In Al-Hajj, 46 the narrator claims that those who do not have faith in Allah are blind and cannot be trusted to be allowed to take care of themselves on their own. Blindless is an important idea here and is used metaphorically to represent a lack of vision and also to suggest that a lack of faith is a handicap which affects a person in their day to day life.

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