The Koran Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the Koran bring out the sense of sight to the reader?

    Most of the events described in the Koran take place at night when it is dark. For instance, Mohammad makes his valiant voyage to Jerusalem during the dark hours. Darkness conveys the imagery of sight to the reader, and, in the text, darkness is associated with horror and celestial inquisitiveness. Throughout the text, the narrator uses nighttime as a point of reference to notify the reader that most events are associated with darkness.

  2. 2

    According to your understanding of the Koran, is Mohammad living in a society where he is predominantly alone?

    It is evident from the text that most of the time Mohammad is leading a lonely lifestyle. For instance, it is described that most of the time he dwells in caves contemplating and praying. His solitude is self-made because he decides to be a lone so that he can have humble time with his maker. It is however ironic that that he opens up to the community after receiving the command from his creator to write the Holy Koran. Afterwards, the community becomes his innermost focal point and engagement unlike the earlier days when he secluded himself from the society.

  3. 3

    In accordance with the Koran, what are the attributes that make a person to be considered a Holy Muslim?

    The Koran is a holy book itself and it outlines various ways in which an individual qualifies to be a holy Muslim. Firstly, the Islamic principles dictate that an individual must follow the teachings of the Koran for him to please Allah. For instance, one must be conversant with the Islamic law, which outlines the code of dressing, types of food to be eaten and the acceptable societal human behavior. A good example is that women must always cover their faces using hijabs and other acceptable wears. The religious law also prohibits the Muslims from consuming pork because it is considered unholy.

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