The Magic Barrel

The Magic Barrel Analysis

The Magic Barrel is a book of self-revelation and religion. The protagonist, Leo Finkle, is twenty-seven years old and still single. Leo has spent most of his youth training as a rabbi. Leo spared no time developing his social life hence when he learned that to be a respected rabbi one must get married, Leo was depressed. He knew he had no chance of wooing a woman so he finds a traditional route of employing a matchmaker.

Leo contacts a matchmaker named Salzman who brings a list of women he considered suitable for a respectable rabbi. The list was detailed with names, pictures, age, dowry, and profession. After careful consideration, Leo agrees to meet one prospect who was a schoolteacher. At their initial meeting, the schoolteacher questions Leo on his beliefs and religion. In a blind rage, Leo confesses that he became a rabbi because he did not believe in God.

Leo returns home angry and depressed. However, he realizes that neither Salzman nor the schoolteacher was at fault. His lack of self-knowledge and fear are what stopped him from finding love. He had dedicated his life to God but never truly learned God’s role in his life. He had also isolated himself which set limits to his relationship with women.

Once at peace, Leo contacts Salzman and asks for another list of brides. Salzman brings a package containing photos of attractive women. However, Leo claims none of the women possess the qualities he desires. As he returns the pictures in the box, one photograph falls off from the rest. There lies a picture of a woman who is not so attractive but she seems to possess the soul, suffering, imperfection, and suffering that Leo feels attracted to.

The next morning he rushes to see Salzman. After showing him the picture, Salzman claims that the picture was mistakenly placed on the list. Leo remains adamant. Salzman takes the photograph and runs out of the door; Leo follows him and demands to meet the woman in the photo. Salzman confesses that the woman in the picture is his dead daughter, Stella. Tormented and in despair, Leo decides to shift his focus on God and becoming a better man.

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