The Magic Barrel Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Magic Barrel Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Pinye Salzman

The author figuratively uses Pinye to symbolize a bridge in Leo's life that transforms him from isolation to the limelight. Leo does not have a friend, and he does not know what to do despite living in an urban area. Despite Pinye being a marriage broker, he does not know how to help Leo get a marriage partner. However, Pinye comes up with a plan and introduces Lily to Leo. The two quickly start getting used to each other. Lily transforms Leo's life of solitude into an active member of society.

The world of fantasy

Leo's early life symbolizes the world of fantasy. Leo grows alone, and the only thing he does is read entertainment books that do not help him know how to associate with others. Leo does not have a friend and does not know how to socialize. Therefore, the world of Leo is nothing from daydreaming.

The symbolism of salivation

The involvement of Lily in Leo's life symbolizes salivation. After meeting up with Leo, she tells him about her religious beliefs, and he is surprised to realize that he has been living in a vacuum all this time. Leo is convinced that he must change his ways and join Lily in spreading the Gospel in the community. In the end, Leo connects with God and becomes a saved person.

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