The Master Imagery

The Master Imagery

Party Boat

We see a party in the distance, taking place on a ship that is docked, as Freddie walks towards it. The party is full of life and is a stark contrast to Freddie's heavy pain he is carrying. The imagery shows where Freddie is emotionally and contrasts it with the sounds of people who are living a happy life, people that could help him become more fulfilled.


We watch as everyone applauds Dodd after saying they have fought against the day and won. Freddie is the only person in focus during this. The imagery reveals that though everyone else may have won, or say they have, Freddie knows he's lost his day as he drowns himself in another cup of liquor.

This is not the time, Stop!

We see Dodd crowded into an elevator with his family and Freddie after being opposed by John More. The imagery shows us that the Cause has been pressed into an uncomfortable reality with Dodd being at the center of their "truth." Regardless of how close anyone is with Dodd, no one dares say anything to oppose him.


Freddie is jailed alongside Dodd. We see him tear apart the cell with his arms handcuffed behind him. This imagery shows that Freddie is a caged animal, literally and metaphorically.

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