The Master Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Master Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Drinking Chemicals

Freddie mixes chemicals from a missile on the Navy vessel into a strong drink for himself. This is a symbol of his deeply experienced trauma from the war and his need to keep it in.


Freddie finds Dodd upon a boat when they first meet. The ship is a symbol of the Cause; this is a movement that when isolated (out at sea) has no opposition, as Dodd is king. But is not meant for dry land, where the rest of humanity waits to oppose the will of one man.


We see Freddie destroy his cell when he's jailed. This is a symbol that Freddie is a caged animal seeking to get out, and he could potentially be a danger to himself and others.


Lancaster is arrested while he is staying in Philadelphia at Helen's home. This is a symbol that Dodd is a man who mismanages what is given to him, in this case money, but also people.


Freddie is walking back and forth across Helen's living room during processing, and Dodd steps up to protect a jumping Freddie from hitting his head on a low hanging chandelier. This is a symbol that Dodd is seeking to protect Freddie from pain.

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