The Master Themes

The Master Themes

The Will of One Man

This theme belongs to Lancaster Dodd. His work in the formation and furthering of the Cause, to him, is essential to the healing of people on this planet. However, he also rejects anyone who comes against him (see the scene with John More). He desires to be the center of attention and the center of a movement that he created, but to what end? To heal people, or become all powerful and right? This is the theme of Dodd.

The Battle Within

Freddie is a pain that has experienced pain from WWII, and from not fulfilling his promise to love and marry Doris, a young woman he desires to spend the rest of his life with. Freddie has been running from his pain in such destructive ways that he sprints further and further from who he is. His boozing and sleeping around and constant lustful thoughts are the examples of his losing the painful battle within. He succumbs to the need to be alleviated from the pain for a short while with the booze and the women, and continues to abuse them as the pain is too great. It is only when he meets Dodd that he begins to see a chance at surviving a different way.


Dodd believes that he and Freddie were comrades in a past life, two witnesses to the truth. Lancaster has an affinity for Quell, and seeks to help him. There is a soul tie for Dodd that is palpable and he knows he must discover what it is. Thus, we see Lancaster be more kind and loving towards Freddie than the rest of the members of the Cause, and continues to take his side and teach him.

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