The Time Machine (1960 Film) Background

The Time Machine (1960 Film) Background

The Time Machine is a 1960 film directed by the Hungarian-American filmmaker George Pal. The film was released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) and is based on the 1895 novel of the same name which was written by H.G. Wells.

The film´s protagonist, played by Rod Taylor, travel into the future. He then discovers a dystopian future in which humans have evolved into two different species.

The original budget of the film is estimated to have been around 750.000 dollars and grossed around 2.6 million at the Global Box Office. It also won an Academy Award for Best Effects because of it´s innovative use of time-lapse effects to depict rapid passage of time.

Overall the film has positive ratings and reviews and it certainly laid some groundwork for future science fiction films and television shows.

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