The Time Machine (1960 Film) Imagery

The Time Machine (1960 Film) Imagery

Closed Door

We see George in a close-up standing against his front door after being partially rejected by his colleagues about his time machine. We also see his shadow behind him. The imagery shows us that he is a man who is on the brink of a major discovery, but he feels as though he is a mere shadow.


George stops the time machine in 1940. We see fighter planes and blimps flying above London. The imagery shows us that he has stopped in the midst of the WWII air raids. It shows him that the future has only brought destruction and war, not the peace he hoped for.

Man and Nature

In 1966, George watches as an atomic bomb is dropped on the city, destroying everything in seconds. Then a volcano erupts and covers everything in lava. This imagery reveals that man has encroached upon nature to the degree that nature must fight back in order to stop the destruction.


George is seen alone on the steps in the dystopian world he's arrived in 800,000 years into the future. The shot is overhead, and represents George's feeling small and overwhelmed by his current environment.

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