The Time Machine (1960 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Time Machine (1960 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Box

George reveals he has invented something great, and he wants to show it to his colleagues and friends. The miniature time machine, his invention, is inside the black box, which is a symbol of his belief that the fourth dimension of time exists.


Time is a symbol of a prison to George and his colleagues. The reason for this symbolism is that time is a dimension that no one has ever been able to travel within, an issue George has found a way to change.

George's Time Machine

George has invented a machine that will allow him to travel through time. His invention is a symbol to him to be able to control his destiny.

Disappearing Act

George's model time machine disappears before everyone's eyes. It is a great victory for George, but it is a symbol to David that George is tempting the laws of Providence.


George keeps multiple clocks in his home. They are symbols of his desire to manipulate time and control his future.

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