The Time Machine (1960 Film) Characters

The Time Machine (1960 Film) Character List


H. George Wells is an inventor. He's created a time machine in his desire to control his destiny. He is a man of great belief, but when doubted by his colleagues he sets out to prove them wrong.


David is a botanist and businessman, a colleague to George, but most importantly George's friend. David believes George, but warns him about the dangers of time travel. In the future, we learn that David protects his friend's estate after he has disappeared, using his machine to travel forward in time.


Weena belongs to a civilization of human beings called the Eloi. She exists in the year 802,701 when George meets her. She and George share a connection, one that drives him to save her life.


Philip is a colleague of George's who adamantly opposes George. He cannot believe that George has created a machine that travels in time. Thus, he rejects George's claims of having gone into the future, even leaving dinner with him.

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