The Woman in the Dunes Characters

The Woman in the Dunes Character List

Nikki Jumpei

The main character of this novel is 31-year-old Nikki Jumpei. He is an entomologist, who collects insects. He is a clever and intelligent person, who decides to visit one small village, searching for the unique species of insects. Firstly, it seems that he is a single-minded person, but getting into trouble, he shows his real character. Everything, what surrounds him is fear, desire to give up and just thought about the death. After some time he stops fighting for his freedom and accepts his life in the hole. This action shows his broken will and weak character.

The Woman

The main heroine, whose name isn’t mentioned, is a pretty and hard-working woman. Every day she takes sand out of her house. Here we can see her strong character. She prefers to stay in the hole and does not accept other lifestyle. Also she is very romantic, because she falls in love with Nikki and shows him her real feeling of love.

Inhabitants of the village

People, who live in the village, are impudent. They use Nikki and the woman for the sake of their goals - to shovel sand in the hole, and they sell it later for cheaper price. Here the author shows inhumanity of the typical society. It is a bad example of people, because they don’t care of others. They only protect their own interests.

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