The Woman in the Dunes Quotes


“Everything comes in time to him who waits—the ancients put it well in the old days”.


“Everything is good in its season” is the most suitable concept for this quote. In this case, the author lays emphasis on the good luck and success. Luck is very capricious and flighty, variable and fickle. It prefers fidelity and only comes to those people, who are waiting for it. Nevertheless, it is a welcome guest in every house. Its benevolence warms, gives willpower and confidence. That’s all about luck. Luck and success only optimists truly esteem. A person, who always thinks “I am unlucky; my wishes come true in other people; I am a loser”, is stupid and miserable. Such people should have faith in themselves, because luck is a chance to change one’s life. It is very important to use this chance. One should believe in luck sincerely. The main character Nikki Jumpei of this philosophical novel always tries to use the chance to escape from the hole, where he lives with the woman. But, actually, he doesn’t believe in himself. That’s why he puts up with his present life.

“Defeat begins with the fear that one has lost”.


Surely, there are no people in the contemporary world, who don’t dream about the victory. Every day we achieve the aim and get a small victory or suffer a defeat. Of course, it is very important to score a success, refuse one’s own weaknesses and try to make an effort in difficult scopes of activity. But one will not have time to look around as it can appear that victory turns into defeat and, in reality, defeat is a victory. The slightest idea or thought about the loss can force people to give up and accept the sorrowful defeat. The striking example of this situation is the main character. Actually, he knows that inhabitants of the small village want to kill him, because he doesn’t burn with the desire to take away the sand. And that’s why the thought about defeat takes his mind at once. The author affirms that one shouldn’t think about defeat without taking pains. Even, when it seems that this is the end of happy life, everyone must act resolutely without any doubt.

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