The Woman in the Dunes Irony

The Woman in the Dunes Irony

Entrapped hunter

On the eastern lands of the village “Nikki is lured on by the feeling that in all probability his prey is there, and he makes his way down the gentle slope”. But he is appeared to be a prey himself. Fisherfolks use him for the sake of their benefits like Nikki uses insects to finish his collection. The irony is based on the fact that everything boomerangs against and Nikki gets his.


The main hero has a high opinion about people of the village. He says that “with their sense of caution appeased, they are merely good, simple fisherfolks”. But he is so naïve. This is an ironic moment of the novel, when he doesn’t understand that inhabitants entrap and use him for their benefits.

Pitiless man

Nikki is sure that the woman acts in concert with fisherfolks to leave him in the hole. But one day the woman is trembling. “Perhaps it is because she knows all about what is happening”. The man lets her suffer. As he affirms: “It is fitting retribution for her to suffer like this”. The author ridicules his scorn and brutality towards the woman.

Deep delusion

Before Nikki gets into the hole, he is enchanted because of wonderful places of the village and its inhabitants. “He says that there is really nothing yet that foretold danger”. But it is his very deep delusion. The irony is that he even doesn’t suspect of the real life in the dunes, and one should not trust his eyes.

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