The Woman in the Dunes Themes

The Woman in the Dunes Themes


This is a major theme of this novel, which discovers to readers the significance of life. The main character Nikki becomes to be isolated from the social environment. Firstly, he doesn’t understand the woman, who lives in the hole and her style of life. But after some time, he begins to communicate with his inner world, understands his feelings and defines that his life is worth of valuation. Also, the separation from the surrounding world forces him to explore the world from different aspects. People always consider that their life is filled with problems and troubles, but they don’t suspect that the easy decision exists. It only takes their desire to do it.


The fate always means some mysticism. Almost all people in the world fall to thinking about the meaning of this word. The society within this meaning is divided into two parts: people, who think that they are arbiters of their own fate and people, who are sure that the human destiny is in the hands of the highest power and they have the main idea: “You can't escape your fate”. As to the main character, he belongs to the both groups of people at the same time. The same fate directs him to the village, where he meets the woman, who lives in the dunes. But when he comes to grief, his fate is in his hands. His fate is dependent on him, because he can decide to escape from the hole or to stay there. Everyone has a right to choose one of these two theories about destiny. The main thing is to be a good person.

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