Bartholomew and the Oobleck Imagery

Bartholomew and the Oobleck Imagery

The Weather and Oobleck

When the narrator stated that the new weather “Won’t look like rain. Won’t look like snow. Won’t look like fog. That’s all we know,” this imagery peaks the reader’s curiosity. This is because the reader too is in a similar situation to the King, as we have never seen any different kinds of weather to these. The quote sparks are intrigue and foreshadows the unique nature of oobleck.

National Holiday

The King is so happy with the creation of oobleck that he declares, "Oh, what a day! I'm going to make it a holiday!” Here, the reader gets an insight into the King’s delight at double crossing nature to invent his own weather. Indeed, he thinks he is so smart and powerful that he thinks creating oobleck is deserving of a national holiday.


The imagery of Bartholomew as the King’s page boy is initially underwhelming to the reader. One would think him to be insignificant to the story and would cast him off from doing anything great. Yet, it is this seemingly unremarkable boy who manages to save the kingdom.

King Derwin

The King is portrayed as a power-hungry, yet, dim-witted ruler. He is ungrateful for the weather he has and instead seeks a greater kind of weather. His ambition has no end, as he insists on oobleck being a good thing despite the destruction it causes.

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