Bartholomew and the Oobleck Summary

Bartholomew and the Oobleck Summary

The book is set in the land of the Kingdom of Didd and retells the story of Bartholomew Cubbins, King Derwin's page boy, and how he saved the kingdom. The King is described as always being temperamental at the weather because he wants something new to come down. He sends Bartholomew to get the magicians to make a new weather, known as oobleck.

However, the oobleck turns out to be strange sticky stuff and causes a lot of hassle in the kingdom. Bartholomew decides to warn the kingdom but the horses have all been covered with it. The King orders him to send for the magicians but their mystic mountains has also been clumped up with it. Bartholomew forces the king to apologize, and the oobleck goes away and is replaced with sunshine.

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