Bartholomew and the Oobleck Quotes


"Stop them? Not for a ton of diamonds!" chuckled the King. "Why, I'll be the mightiest man that ever lived! Just think of it! Tomorrow I'm going to have OOBLECK!"

King Derwin

Here we see how foolish the King truly is. He compares oobleck to being worth more than “diamonds” which is ironic because the reader goes on to learn how much he regrets it. The fact that the King is singing the praises of oobleck despite it not even being created yet, shows how much he thinks of himself and his ability to change nature.

"Every year the same four things! I'm mighty tired of those old things! I want something NEW to come down!"

King Derwin

The King’s ungratefulness is shown right from the outset by this quote. He is very greedy and wants more than he already has, despite everyone else in the kingdom being content with the weather. Moreover, his selfish attitude in creating “NEW” weather almost leads to the destruction of his own kingdom.

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