Bartholomew and the Oobleck Irony

Bartholomew and the Oobleck Irony

Situational irony: The Weather

It is ironic that the King demands new weather and veers off of nature’s course to invent a new one, but it turns out to be catastrophic. The new weather ends up causing more havoc and the King regrets his actions.

Situational Irony: The King

The King’s portrayal is ironic because he is meant to be a leader of the kingdom, yet he is not the one to save the people. Rather, Bartholomew, a humble page, is the one to lead the Kingdom to victory against the oobleck.

Verbal irony: The Magicians

The magicians are stated to be so because of their infinite magical powers. They use their abilities to make oobleck, but it is ironic that they themselves had no idea what chaos it would cause.

Situational irony: The Apology

It is ironic that King Derwin was so greedy for power that he shouted at the sky and claimed he could invent his own weather. This is all ironic because the King ends up apologizing to the sky in order to stop the oobleck.

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