Day 4

Daisy Miller Lesson Plan

Reading Assignment, Questions, Vocabulary

Read the fourth chapter, finishing the book.

Content Summary for Teachers

Chapter 4

The next two days, Winterbourne goes to Daisy's hotel but the family is never in. Mrs. Walker's party is on the third day and Winterbourne attends even though they hadn't parted on great terms. Mrs. Miller arrives at the party alone, explaining Daisy and Mr. Giovanelli are playing the piano and will arrive later. Mrs. Walker vows not to speak to Daisy when she arrives.

Daisy arrives, greets Mrs. Walker, and introduces her to Mr. Giovanelli. Winterbourne and Daisy discuss the other evening and he warns her of being a flirt. She assures him that she and Mr. Giovanelli are very good friends. When Daisy...

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