Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Imagery

Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Imagery

Dear Bully

"Dear Bully" is the first short story in the collection Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories. This part, similarly to the last part, talks directly to an audience. Several authors write short messages to their bullies, telling them things they always wished they could tell them. It might even be described as a form for therapy, as they all manage to put the events behind them. The image of the authors writing these letters to the bullies is significant, as it shows how strong and meaningful a confrontation can be.

Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories

The image of the book itself as a whole is one of the main points of the book. The image shows the reader that there are many other people out there that has been trough bullying, might it be soft or hard and violent. It also gives the reader the knowledge of how to deal with bullying and is a good conversation starter for all the people that choose to spend their time reading these stories, as it often is used in classrooms.

The Sliver of Purple Paper

In one of the stories, Cyn Balog relates an account of when she was an outcast. The class was forced to write positive things about each other, and Cyn only got one that was positive; however, that was not the point in the story. One of the popular girls in Cyn’s class committed suicide five years later, and the note Cyn wrote on the sliver of purple paper was hanging on her bulletin board. The image of the silver purple paper shows how important the small things, gestures and words can be for a person, even though you might not realize it.

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