Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Literary Elements

Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Literary Elements


Short story nonfictional collection

Setting and Context

High Schools, Our world

Narrator and Point of View

YA authors personal lives

Tone and Mood

Uplifting, upsetting

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: YA authors- victims, Antagonist: Bullies

Major Conflict

Several YA authors have been bullied, seen others bullied or participated in bullying others.


There are several climaxes throughout the book, as all the seventy short stories have their own plot. The climax can also be put at the end of the book as a whole, as the authors address the readers directly.


The name of the book itself is a foreshadowing of the stories that will appear in the book.


The reason behind bullying is understated, as it is important to know that bullies are insecure as well.


Some of the authors are religious, and their religion helped them push through during their hard times. Therefore, the reader might have allusions to biblestories where people have been saved, such as the story of Paul.


The image of the authors standing together against bullying is the main image to book wants to convey, as it shows that they stand together.


"You are alone" is the paradox the book is trying to prove wrong, which it manages to do by the sheer manitude of the stories in the book by different authors.


There is a silver lining drawn though the whole book, as all the stories center around bullying. It is also visible that there is a parallel line between the victims and the bullies, as they often change place later in life.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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