Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Summary

Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Summary

The first short story in Dear Bully is, in fact, “Dear Bully”. In the first part of the book, several different authors have written letters to the people who bullied them, which are very strong. Different stories are shaped in dissimilar ways, with various degrees of detail and explanations interwoven in the stories.

“Just Kidding” is the story of a person who used humor as a shelter and mask against bullying. There are seventy short stories in different forms and expressions, including poetry and graphic stories. “Thank You, Friends”, “Regret” and “Speak” are the names of some of the specific stories in the book. The narrator isn’t always the person being bullied, they can watch others being bullied or even bully others.

The last story in the book is called “It Gets Better”, which is the main conclusion in the book. It shows that bullying isn’t uncommon, but that all these people who have been through something hard and distressing have grown up and overcome the things life has thrown at them, including bullying. The book as a whole is a fight against bullying, giving the victims something to hold on to.

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