Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Themes

Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories Themes


Bullying is the most obvious theme in the book, and it is the only part that connects all the stories together. The main part of the bullying takes place is school, since the social media platform wasn’t established during the time the authors were in school. The authors express how they were bullied, in either writing, poems or drawings, while explaining their feelings and how to deal with it.


The main message in the book is “It Gets Better” which is the name of the last story in the book. It also shows that the person reading the text isn’t the only person that has experiences anything about bullying personally. These authors have all experiences it and moved on and become successful people. They haven’t let their experiences define them.


Violence and self-hate are described in the book, both in the form of someone hurting themselves, and someone hurting other. Pushing, kicking, pulling of hair and self-harm happens, as well as a girl committing suicide as a reaction to her bullying. Also, real recent events are discussed and mentioned.

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