Hard Candy Characters

Hard Candy Character List

Hayley Stark

Hayley is a vigilante teen who, at the age of fourteen, investigates men she believes to have gotten away with rape, pedophilia and murder. Once she has managed to gather her proof, and is satisfied that she has identified the right perpertrator, she stalks, traps and tortures each man, although the torture she inflicts is far more mental than physical. She is distinguishable by her signature red hoodie that she wears like an avenger's cape.

Despite her youth, Hayley acts with the confidence of one much older. She is a logical person whose every move is planned out ahead of time. This is what makes her such a threat to a man like Jeff, who underestimates her, and does not for one second think her capable of outwitting him. Hayley feels that the legal system has let men like Jeff get away with their crimes. She wants them stopped and she wants them publicly identified and shamed.

Jeff Kohlver

Trapped by Hayley because of their sexually charged flirtation online, Jeff has no redeeming qualities that are shown to us in the film. At best he is a sleaze; we come to find out that he is so much worse, having participated in the rape of a series of young women, and been involved in the kidnap and murder of one whose body has never been found. Jeff is incredibly over-confident but also a coward; he will try anything to change Hayley's mind about him which shows that he considers his own intelligence superior to hers. He has a repertoire of manipulation tools, including bullying, flirting, wheedling, and when all else fails, lying about being the victim of sex abuse as a child himself.

Jeff does not want to kill himself but when he realizes he has no other choice, he does so in the belief that Hayley will hide the evidence against him that she has found.

Janelle Rogers

Poor Janelle was once Jeff's girlfriend; thankfully she is now his ex-girlfriend, but she is still someone to whom Hayley would like to reveal Jeff as he really is. Her role in the plot is mostly as a threat to Jeff's status quo; Hayley calls her to the house, hoping that she will be able to reveal the evidence of Jeff's crimes to her, and also hoping that Janelle will believe Jeff committed suicide because of fear of being found out and even some guilt over his actions.

Donna Mauer

Although Donna only appears in photographs she is actually pivotal to the plot; she is the girl who was kidnapped and never seen again, and the girl whom Hayley knows was raped and murdered by Jeff and his friend Aaron. She is the catalyst for Hayley's persual of Jeff, and her motivation for revealing him to the world as he really is.

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