Hard Candy Irony

Hard Candy Irony


Hayley threatens to castrate Jeff and he attempts to get her to stop it. She proceeds to cut off his genitalia. Ironically, she's packed them in ice so they are completely numb and faked cutting them off. This was a way for her to psychologically torture him.

A good time

Jeff convinces Hayley to come over to his place after a sexually charged online conversation. Ironically, he doesn't know he has been set up, and that Hayley wanted to be invited in. Once she's there, she drugs him and ties him up.


Jeff belives he has leverage with Hayley when he tells her that he will reveal the name of the man who raped and murdered Donna Mauer if she lets him live. Ironically, Hayley already knows the name of the man, as she's visited him and killed him already.

Little Girl

Hayley is all of 14 years-old in the story. She's tiny and no match for Jeff's sheer size. Ironically, Hayley is able to subdue Jeff multiple times and eventually convince him to take his own life. She uses his underestimation of her as a way to predict what he'll do and trap him.


Jeff tells Hayley that he only had good intentions with her coming over, and that he didn't hurt anyone, nor is he a pedophile. Ironically, when Hayley opens Jeff's safe, she finds proof that he's lying in the form of horrific photos he's saved along with one of Donna Mauer.

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