Director's Influence on Hard Candy

Director's Influence on Hard Candy

David Spade captures the essence of the film by incorporating the psychological tension of classic art films as well as vigilante films. Known mainly for music videos and commercials up to that point, he brings the visual imaginations to the power shift that occurs between Jeff and Hayley. Capturing the subtle elements of each character’s emotional journey. In achieving this he makes the film more impressionistic, concentrating on close-ups to create the language of the film. Furthermore on camera movements, for instance, the movements are smooth when Hayley is in control but shifts to handheld when she loses power and is in danger.

To bring the humanity to the situation, Spade focuses on the emotional temperature of the characters by diving deep into their drives and the unspoken emotions. Evoking empathy from the audience for both characters at different moments since the film as Spade states “…asks you to acutely evaluate what your prejudices are.” Thus asking difficult social questions regarding vengeance and justice.

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