Hard Candy Imagery

Hard Candy Imagery


Jeff wakes up after being drugged by Hayley to find he's tied to a chair. The shots show lens flares as he's gathering his wits and coming completely to. The flares in the imagery represent his unclear mind as he's feeling the after effects of the drug wearing off.


We watch as Hayley puts on Jeff's jacket and wears glasses. The image has become warm as she's interrogating him, with reds on the wall and sunlight coming through the glass. The image changes back to blue. This imagery reveals how Hayley is volatile from one moment to the next based upon Jeff's inability to tell the truth.

More Chocolate

We see Hayley slicing off a chunk of chocolate cake. The knife moves delicately through the cake in a close up and she ends up with chocolate on her lips. The imagery creates her seduction of Jeff, the pedophile who comes in and literally wipes the chocolate off her lips and tastes for himself. There is nothing sexy about this at all, it cringes the viewer as the reality of Jeff's vile nature is revealing itself on-screen.

Federal Laws

We watch as the camera pushes in on Hayley as she tells Jeff that what he is doing is against the law. There are photographs of his victims Hayley is looking through. The push in shows us that this is a deep issue in the fabric of society. One that weighs on her conscious, and thus the minds of all she represents: those that oppose the brutality and abuse of children.

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