Hard Candy Quotes


“I am every little girl you ever watched, touched, hurt, screwed, killed.”

Hayley Stark

Hayley asserts to Jeff this statement after he wonders who she is and why she is so driven to hurt him and make him pay for his sex crimes. It is a strong message that comprehends why she has chosen to be a vigilante to seek justice for the abused, raped and murdered girls. Jeff is a predator who harbors no remorse for his vile acts of pedophilia and murder. However, he seems to have eluded the law akin to most predators. Thus, Haley takes on this task to right all the wrongs he has done by punishing him.

“Just because a girl knows how to imitate a woman, does NOT mean she's ready to do what a woman does! I mean, you're the grown-up here. If a kid is experimenting and says something flirtatious, you ignore it, you don't encourage it.”

Hayley Stark

This assertion is significant in the sense that it answers the common excuse predators go to while playing the victim card. Hayley challenges the notion that the young victims of rape are also usually the catalyst for it because of their initial behavior. Emphasizing that despite the young victims acting like adults in the sexual context it does not mean the adult in this situation should go along with it. Thus, in the statement she makes it clear the young girls are not ready to engage in these sexual situations even though they say so.

“You really just don't look like the kind of guy who needs to meet girls over the internet.”

Hayley Stark

In this quotation, Hayley establishes that Jeff does not seem to need the internet to meet girls as he is attractive, looks charming, and quite normal. It attests to the common misconception that predators should be unappealing, non-attractive, and socially awkward individuals. But rather predators are the regular next-door neighbor who has a perfect job, house and relationship. The reason predators such as Jeff evade the law is due to their reassuring external appearance and healthy social life. Even to Hayley who is aware of this fact she is still puzzled that Jeff ends up being a regular guy also with a girlfriend. Due to this curated decent persona, they hence manage to abuse and kill multiple victims without raising suspicion.

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