Henry V (Film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What device does the director use to show us that the Chorus played by Derek Jacobi would not be part of the story?

    Branagh sets Jacobi as the Chorus in a film studio. He shows him walking past sets and lights in the massive staged environment. By doing this Branagh allows the audience to know that they are being taken on a journey and the Chorus will be their narrator, someone who stands outside the story in order to help interpret it for them.

  2. 2

    What gift does the French King send to Henry V in response to his claim to the throne, and what is the gift's significance?

    King Charles VI sends a very pointed gift as a response to Henry V in response to the young King's claim for the French throne. Henry receives a set of tennis balls which represent that the King of France believes him to merely be playing games thus, he provides him with a slap in the face gift.

  3. 3

    On what day does the main battle in the film take place?

    The final battle of the film takes place on St. Crispin's Day. It is a day that the Christian saints Crispin and Crispinian were martyred. The Battle of Agincourt was also fought on St. Crispin's Day prior to Henry's battle.

  4. 4

    What is the symbolism in Henry carrying Robin across the battlefield to the wagon?

    Henry has just endured the battle on St. Crispin's day with his men who were highly outnumbered. He carries Robin, who has been killed, over his shoulder to a wagon of dead. The significance of this scene is that rule of battle were meant to protect children from being killed on the battlefield, a rule that the French did not abide by. This scene enhances our want for Henry to defeat the French, and it also reveals the great weight that the young King must carry in order to fulfill his right to claim the throne of France for his own.

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