Henry V (Film) Literary Elements

Henry V (Film) Literary Elements


Kenneth Branagh

Leading Actors/Actresses

Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Brian Blessed

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Simon Shepherd, Judi Dench, Robbie Coltrane, Robert Stephens, Geoffrey Hutchings, Christian Bale


Action, Biography, Drama




Won Oscar for Best Costume Design

Date of Release



Bruce Sharman

Setting and Context

In the midst of the Hundred Years' War England and France

Narrator and Point of View

Narrator is the Chorus played by Derek Jacobi. POV is that of Henry V

Tone and Mood

Dramatic, Serious

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist is Henry V. Antagonist is King Charles VI

Major Conflict

Henry V lays claim to the throne of France to which Charles VI denies thus, starting a war for the throne.


Henry marries King Charles' daughter, Katherine, after years of war so that their son might be rightful heir to both the throne of England and France, but this union doesn't stop the continued wars between the English and the French in future generations.


The Dauphin gives Henry V tennis balls as a gift from France in response to his claim to the throne. Thus, starting the war for the throne.


Robin being on the battlefield is understated until we find him dead.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques



Killing Robin in battle is an allusion to the cruelty of war. That it has no rules.


Nym is killed on the battlefield. Paradoxically, Pistol weeps for him though he does not like Nym because he married his ex-wife.


The Chorus going into the story at the beginning of the film through the door parallels The Chorus closing the door to the story at the end of the film.

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