Henry V (Film) Quotes


"Read them and know I know your workings."

Henry V

Henry hands royal commissions to Scrope, Grey and Cambridge. They believe they are taking command in the King's absence, but in reality Henry knows they plot to murder him and the commissions are actually the King's statement of knowing their treason.

"I and my bosom must debate awhile."

King Henry V

Henry says this to his royal Officers the night before battle. He tells them to get sleep and that he must walk the night. His statement tells us that the battle to come weighs heavily on him. Henry then proceeds to speak with his men in disguise to get their true opinion of him and his war for the throne of France.

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."

Henry V

Henry comes back to where his men have taken safety beyond the walls where they attack. He rouses them with these words to continue to fight. That though death may be but moments away that he is with them and they with he as he charges head on into the fiery breach.

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