Henry V (Film) Irony

Henry V (Film) Irony

Royal Commission

Scrope, Gray and Cambridge get their royal commissions from Henry before he departs for the battle in France. They believe he is giving them authority in his absence. Ironically, he is handing them notice that he knows they seek to murder him. Henry has the three men executed for high treason.

Falstaff's Death

After Falstaff passes away Nym, Pistol, Nell, Robin and Bardolph discuss whether he's in heaven or hell as they don't know. Nell Quickly says that he is in heaven. This is her belief, but ironically no one can truly know if he is there or not other than Falstaff. She is creating false hope.

Into the Breach

Henry gives the famous, "Into the breach" speech and stirs the men up with great emotion to charge. Nym, Pistol and Bardolph all cheer with the other men, but then ironically turn and try to run in the opposite direction. Away from the fight. They are stopped by a captain who draws his sword on them and demands they go to the fight, which they do.


Bardolph is a friend of Henry's. He's spent time with him over the years enjoying his company and drinking with him to great delight. But Bardolph has looted after a battle and is sentenced to hang as an example to the men. Henry has the ability to stop the execution, but ironically does nothing. If he does, it provides justification for future looting from all of the men. So, he must let his friend hang.

St. Crispin's Day Speech

Henry gives the famous St. Crispin's Day speech and riles his men up to take the field of battle against 10,000 French soldiers. They are greatly outnumbered and it appears they will lose their lives on this day, but Henry's speech stirs them to battle and at their highest point, Montjoy a French messenger ironically rides in to negotiate terms. This brings the mood of the men down and Henry has to stir them once more with his response to Montjoy.

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