I, Robot (2004 Film)

I, Robot (2004 Film) Analysis

The film begins with a man who has a deep hatred for robots as they only calculate the percentages of life, and grossly neglect the nuances of humanity. This is scene in the scene where Del is saved by the robot who chooses to save him over a young girl because he statistically had the best chance to live. This backstory of Del's character is the main conflict of the film and leads to the underpinnings of VIKI's corruption as the brain epicenter of all the robots. VIKI calculates that humanity must be restrained with some people being killed in order for it to survive as at the current rate humankind will destroy itself. Thus, this computer brain is able to override the Three Laws of Robotics which keep robots from killing humans.

What VIKI does is create a conspiracy as humans begin to distrust one another believing that no one can be trusted as there is a lack physical evidence to back up people's stories. This is seen when Del is attacked by robots on the freeway and nearly killed but the cameras are turned off and the wreckage is cleaned up before anyone can see what's happened. It causes Bergin to believe that Del is mentally ill and for Del to distrust the new head of USR. In the end, it is Del's willingness to trust his instincts as a human being and choose to protect humanity, flaws and corruption and all, rather than kill anyone in order to "save the world."

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