I, Robot (2004 Film) Characters

I, Robot (2004 Film) Character List

Detective Del Spooner

Spooner is the protagonist of the film. Years ago he had got into a car accident but was saved by a robot. There was also an 11-year-old girl who was in danger of death as well, but the robot calculated that Spooner had more chances to survive than that girl, and so saved the detective but not her. That’s the reason why Spooner treats robots with much hatred: he sees in them only danger. Involved in investigation of Dr. Alfred Lanning’s death Spooner faces , many dangerous situations, like attacked by robots in the tunnel, and many other. With his logic and distrust to robots Spooner manages to solve the reason of Lanning’s death and prevented the rebellion of robots.

Dr. Susan Calvin

Susan is a main robotsychologist at the U.S. Robotics company, she helped Dr. Lanning in creating the new series of robots – NS5, which were to replace the previous ones. Susan could not believe that a robot might be able of killing a man, but when she analyzed Sonny’s brain she found out that this robot was a special one, because somehow he could choose obey or not to obey the main three laws of robotics. Susan helped detective Spooner to stop the rebellion of the robots.


VIKI is the main robot computer in the company U.S. Robotics. Having self-developed is a special way she decided that people must be deprived of their freedom to stay in safe.


Sonny is a special robot created by Lanning. Sonny resembles more a human that a robot in his manners and thoughts, though his look is fully robot like. Sonny is albe to dream dreams, and analyze people’s gestures. This helps him to provide assistance Spooner and Susan in deactivating VIKI. In the end it becomes evident that it was Sonny who killed Lanning, and that the doctor commanded him to do this.

Dr. Alfred Lanning

Lanning is a leading designer and creator of the robots in U.S.Robotics. He found out that VIKI was becoming a danger and planned his death to involve Spooner. He was sure that Spooner could find out the danger of robots rebellion and prevent it.

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