I, Robot (2004 Film) Themes

I, Robot (2004 Film) Themes


The 21st century surely is a century of advanced technologies, the end of the 20th century was much characterized by the development by science, but the 21st century, only with nearly 20 years, has proceeded much further. The year of the film “I, Robot” being shot is 2004, fifteen years ago, but even then development of technologies had a basis for foreshadowing more sufficient improvements. Nothing to say, that Asimov’s “I, Robot” short stories collection published in the 20th century, and is considered as one of the most influential of science fiction literature. The film is based on these stories.

Technologies development has both advantages and disadvantages. If it is people who control this development it is good, as they can keep everything in their hands, but if a machine (like robots in the film) with artificial intelligence can develop by itself – it brings a major problem for humanity. Technologies will continue develop, and nobody knows for sure where it will bring the humanity, and the film is kind of prediction and warn for people.


Detective Spooner has experienced a car accident in which he lost his arm, but his wound is much deeper as in this car dies an 11-years-old girl Sarah. Spooner was saved by a robot, and at that moment Spooner shouted him to save the girl, but the percentage of Spooner’s survival was higher that of the girl’s – 45% to 11%. Spooner’s self-sacrifice, as he was ready to die instead of the girl, develops the theme of conflict between robots and people. The robots are rules only by cold logic, while people are ruled by emotions.


The theme of possible rebellion of machines is depicted in many works of literature, in many films and “I, Robot” is one of such. People is pursue for innovations are creating things which might threaten their own safety and freedom. Such a possibility is depicted in the film in very bright colors. Rebellion among robots is a very dangerous thing, since they are much stronger physically, and human’s ability to feel can nothing to do with robots’ strength. In films like “I, Robot” the end is always happy for humanity, some guy, here it is Spooner, saves the situation. But in real life if such a scenario happens ,there is little luck that such a man might arise from the crowd

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