I, Robot (2004 Film) Imagery

I, Robot (2004 Film) Imagery

Nothing Dangerous

Calvin tells Del that he is the only dangerous thing in the room. Soon after the robot grabs her gun away from her and points it at Del. This is a symbol that robots have been corrupted in a way that should not be as it breaks The Three Laws of Robotics.

Throw Backs

Del wears throwback converse from 2004. This is a symbol that he is a man he doesn't behold himself to new technology simply because it is the way of the future. He is a man who knows what he likes and why he likes it.

Save her

Del watches as a robot saves him over a young girl. This is a symbol of the reality that the robot doesn't have the same understanding as a human being and thus creates the hatred and distrust Del has for robots.

Smashed Through

Dr. Lanning is said to have committed suicide by jumping through the window of his office. But only a robot is able to break that thick of glass. This is a symbol that he was murdered and did not kill himself.


We watch as the robots internal light turns red in the film. This is a symbol of them going rogue and being filled with rage that is outworked in violence towards human when this color comes out of them.

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