I, Robot (2004 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

I, Robot (2004 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Del has had his left arm, lung and ribs replaced with cybernetic implants by Dr. Lanning. This is a symbol that Del will never be able to escape the memory of the accident in which he was saved and the 12-year-old girl drowned. It also represents the fact that robots are a part of the world, whether he likes it or not.

Broken Glass

Dr. Lanning has died after a fall from his office. The glass that he jumped out of is of the highest strength. This is a symbol for Del that Lanning couldn't have committed suicide because no human being has the capability to break the glass; only a robot does.

Clean Up

We watch as robots clean up the horrific accident that Del is in on the freeway. It's as if nothing happened. This is a symbol that whoever is after Del has access to the robotics at USR at the highest level to be able to control all of this.


Sonny is Dr. Lanning's personal robot, whom he designed himself. Sonny is a symbol of the advancement of technology in the world as he has dreams and feels emotions unlike other robots.


VIKI stands for Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence. It is the artificial intelligence set up to guide the robots. It is a symbol of the potential hazards of artificial intelligence as VIKI is solely out to ensure that mankind survives, how this is done is not moral as VIKI only cares to get the desired outcome no matter how it is done--including killing people to do so.

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