Lone Star

Lone Star Analysis

Lone Star can simply be seen as a cold case mystery that is being solved years later. But when looked at closely relates to the story of Oedipus as he takes his epic journey of self discovery in order to do what he believes is going to save his people. But the end result is that Oedipus in his journey discovers the truth about who he is and what he finds is ugly. Sam goes on a similar journey as he desires to no longer be in the shadow of his father who was considered a legend, but who he has a feeling was a fraud and a murderer. Clue after clue is unearthed By Sam as he begins to piece together the incidents that lead to Charlie Wade’s murder.

All around Sam are clues as to the truth. They lie within the people of the town. Hollis, Mercedes and Otis all know what happened to Charlie, but they’ve kept a secret for so long that they have become shells that serve to protect the truth of Charlie’s death. With every piece of the story that Sam puts together he moves to a truth he wants to face: that his father killed Charlie and he wasn’t a good man just like Sam knew his whole life. But it’s much worse.

Sam discovers that Hollis killed Charlie and that Pilar is his sister whom he has been in love with since he was a teenager and has slept with. In Sam’s search for the truth about his father, he discovers that who he is has been completely changed forever, and though he set out to find the truth he never expected he would find that his identity was at the center of his father’s lies and deepest secret.

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