Lone Star Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Lone Star Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


At the opening of the film, two men find a skull buried in the desert. The skull is a symbol of truth that has been buried from a time long ago that is being unearthed in a new generation. And the generation must now carry the weight of this truth for themselves as they begin to get answers.

Rusted Badge

When the skull is found in the desert there is a rusted badge found along with it. The badge represents justice and the rust on it is a symbol that the one who wore that badge was abusing its power and thus deteriorating the meaning of the position and office.

Full Dress

Del comes to see his father at his bar after one of his recruits was involved in a shooting. Del comes in full military dress instead of street clothes, and it is a symbol that Del is there on official business and not there on a personal visit. Del and his father's relationship is strained; he desires nothing less than to have to see him and spend any more time with him than he has to.

Shut the Door

After Del speaks with his father at his bar, we watch as he walks out of the front door. He slams the door behind him. It symbolizes Del closing the door between himself and his father. That he does leave the opportunity open for his dad to make time with him or to connect.


Throughout the film, we hear Sam call his father Buddy instead of dad or his father. Calling his father by his first name is a symbol of the lack of closeness that Sam had with him as well as a lack of respect as he says his father's first name in the presence of the people that he speaks with in the town. It tells us that their relationship was strained.

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