Lone Star Characters

Lone Star Character List

Sam Deeds

Sam is the current Sheriff and son of Buddy Deeds the legendary Sheriff that cleaned up Fronterra, Texas. Sam begins to investigate the murder of Charlie Wade after his skeleton is found in the Texas desert. In his search he begins to find out more than he could have bargained for about his town's residents and their past. At the same time, he discovers the truth about his father's legend and the relationship between the two men.


Pilar is a school teacher in Frontera. Her mother runs a Mexican restaurant in the town and has become a prominent business woman in the community. Pilar has been in love with Sam her whole life but her mother and Sam's father have kept them apart. She learns that Buddy is her real father from Sam's investigation and that the man she loves is her half brother.

Buddy Deeds

Buddy is the legendary Sheriff who took over for Charlie Wade after his disappearance. Buddy publicly put a stop to Charlie's extortion by telling him that he won't do his dirty work. He's seen as a legend to the people of the town, but there is also a great deal of mystery as many believe that he is the one who killed Charlie, but because of how well he treated the people of Frontera no one ever allowed the rumor to become truth.

Charlie Wade

Wade is a crooked Sheriff who is extorting every business owner in Frontera. When people don't pay him a percentage of the money they make he creates his own form of justice by murdering anyone who crosses him. We learn that he killed Mercedes' husband in cold blood and was about to kill Otis before Hollis, his partner shot him down. He was buried in the Texas desert not to be heard from until his bones were found decades later.


Otis owns a bar in Frontera for the black community to have a safe place to have a drink. He is estranged from his only son, and we learn that he was part of a decades long cover up surrounding the murder of Charlie Wade. Wade had come into Otis' bar to kill him before Hollis gunned down Wade. Otis, Hollis and Buddy buried Charlie and never spoke a word about it until Sam began to investigate.


Hollis is an old-timer in Frontera. He was Charlie Wade's former partner and witnessed him belittle, demoralize and murder people before his eyes all while extorting them for his personal gain. When Charlie is about to murder Otis, Hollis guns him down before he allows another innocent man to die because of Charlie's need to have power over everyone. He's kept his secret for decades, and it's not until Sam finds out that anyone outside of Buddy and Otis know what he's done.

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