Lone Star Irony

Lone Star Irony

Spanish Treasure

Cliff and his friend are seen at the opening of the film searching the desert of Texas. His friend hollers that he's found something and Cliff assumes he's found Spanish treasure, gold. Ironically he's found a man's skull buried beneath the earth along with a ring and a sheriff's badge. They've unearthed a much greater find.

Pick Up

We watch as Charlie tells Buddy to make sure that he picks up the money from the restaurant they are eating at. He assumes that Buddy will, like everyone else, do what he tells him to do. Ironically though, Buddy tells Charlie that he isn't going to do it and if he has a problem with that Buddy is prepared to square off with him as he puts his colt .45 on the table.


Sam and the rest of the higher ups in the sheriff's department are on the verge of finding out who killed Charlie Wade. Ironically the sheriff's don't want it to be publicized as it will only bring unwanted attention and hardship on the departments. The price of the truth is one that is shown as having a great weight for them.


We watch as Charlie spills his beer and tells Otis to clean it up. Ironically Otis tells the corrupt sheriff that he spilled it so he should be the one to clean it up. Charlie then pulls his gun on the young man and takes away all of his agreements he's made with them about selling whiskey and running numbers. Charlie only wants to ensure that he is dominant over every person he comes in contact with and his way of doing that is by use of his gun.


Del wants nothing more that to never return to his home town as it's where his father, Otis lives. Ironically, the Army gives him a command to lead in his home town and he has to return because he cannot refuse a promotion from the military. He now has to face where he's from and his father.

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