Lone Star Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the symbolism of the rusty badge found with bones in the opening scene?

    When two men stumble upon the bones of a man in the desert they also find a sheriff's badge along with them. The badge is a symbol of authority, that a man who has status in society was killed thus, it tells us that there will be a search for his killer. The rust shows two things, that a long time has gone by and secondly that there is the potential that the office he served was stained either by other or by him.

  2. 2

    What is the most momentous piece of information that Sam receives in the film?

    Sam discovers that Pilar is his half sister. His father Buddy and her mother, Mercedes conceived Pilar and no one knew. Ironically, by Buddy and Mercedes keeping the two kids apart it made them want to be with each other more. Sam and Pilar have been lovers and not until Sam starts hunting for answers does he find out that he is in love with his sister.

  3. 3

    Who is Eladio and why is he important to the story?

    Eladio is Mercedes' husband who helped her and others cross the border from Mexico to the United States into Texas. He would hide people in the back of his truck and cross them over, but when Charlie Wade finds out about it he puts a stop to it, more so because he isn't being paid from it. Wade shoots Eladio point blank in the middle of the road. This opens the door to Buddy and Mercedes relationship as she is widowed.

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