Mother! (2017 Film)

Mother! (2017 Film) Analysis

The film in itself is an allegory for creation, and God’s relationship to humanity and humanities relationship to Him, the earth and to one another. Mother represents the earth, Him represents God, and Man and Woman Adam and Eve. There eldest son kills the younger just as Cain killed Abel and spilled his blood upon the earth, the first murder.

We see that the blood of the younger son cannot be cleaned up, it only erodes the floor. But it soon reveals a room in the basement where an oil tank is. His death thus reveals a new way to destroy that lies within Mother’s Home.

Aronofsky shows us how mankind abuses the earth in the way they disrespect the home, and we watch as the beat Mother for defending her infant son whom they have killed and are eating. This act of brutality is horrifying to watch and represents the way mankind has torn apart the earth and destroyed all that is good in it and when nature or what is good in humanity attempts to fight back they brutally mutilate it and them. It is man exerting force to control everything that doesn’t align with the way they want things.

In the end, Mother kills everyone with an explosion. It is only Him who survives, and he takes her “love” which is the crystal stone from her belly and places it back in its place on the mantle in his office, which is representative of the Garden of Eden, and the process begins all over again.

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