Mother! (2017 Film) Irony

Mother! (2017 Film) Irony

Bed and Breakfast

The Doctor comes to Veronica and her husband’s home believing that it is a bed and breakfast. Ironically, this is just the story he tells them to gain access to Him.


The guest in the home is a doctor. Ironically, he drinks hard liquor and can’t stop smoking, things that he knows can kill people over time.

Not in the House

Veronica tells the Doctor not to smoke in the house. Ironically, when she goes into his room she finds multiple cigarettes put out in an ashtray on the dresser.

We want them

When Woman asks Veronica and Him if they want children, Him says that they do. Ironically, Veronica is taken aback by her husband saying this as they haven’t discussed it at all between themselves.


Woman helps Veronica with the laundry in the basement. Ironically, she throws the wet clothes on the floor rather than putting them in a basket like Veronica wants.

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