Mother! (2017 Film) Imagery

Mother! (2017 Film) Imagery

Opening Image

We see Mother burning in a fire as a tear falls from her eye. The imagery foreshadows the great pain she will experience at the loss of all the she created with such care, reverence, and beauty.

Broken Glass

We see Him’s photo has been shattered on the ground, as people have come into the home and wrecked it. The imagery of his photo being shattered reveals how humanity has shattered the image of God and trample it under foot.

Further Away

We see a wide shot of Mother on the porch from a long way from her home, after her husband has left. This imagery reveals how Mother feels emotionally with Him at the moment as their relationship has oceans between them.

Walking Camera

Aronofsky uses a handheld camera to track Veronica through the house as she looks for her husband. This camera looms over her from behind before revealing he is there behind her. Later, Aronofsky uses this same camera work while Veronica makes up the doctor’s bed. The imagery creates suspense as we expect him to pop up from behind her, though he doesn’t.

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