Mother! (2017 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Mother! (2017 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Liquor and cigarettes

We see the Man and Woman drinking liquor and smoking, and offering his alcohol and cigarettes to Mother. This is a symbol of mankind poisoning the earth.

Wound in Man's side

We see Him with Man over the toilet, and there is a wound on the Man’s rib. The morning after this happens, Woman arrives at the house. It is a symbol of God creating Eve from Adam’s rib.

Defilement of the House

The house is symbolic of the earth and multiple times throughout the film, visitors to the home are defiling it, symbolic of the way in which humanity defiles the earth. For example, Woman leaves a mess in Mother’s kitchen after making lemonade. Another is that many people begin painting the house, which angers Mother. The painters see themselves as doing something good, beautifying the home, while Mother sees it as destroying what she did in order to meet their own personal taste. A third example is everyone stealing parts of the house, which is symbolic of humanity taking the earth's resources for personal gain, while destroying the planet.

The Death of Younger Brother

When Oldest Brother and Younger brother, the two sons of Man and Woman argue over the inheritance that they’ll be left when their father passes, their arguing turns to violence. Oldest Brother, angry that he’ll be receiving less, bludgeons Younger Brother over the head and kills him. When this happens, Oldest Brother runs away and is never seen by his family again. This scenario is symbolic of the biblical story of Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve. When God rejects the offering of Cain, the oldest brother, and accepts the offering of Abel, the younger brother, Cain gets angry and kills Abel. God curses Cain for this and says to him, “a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.”

Water and Fire

There are two instances when a large number of people invade the house during the film. The first is for Younger Brother's funeral, and the second at the end of the film. In both cases, Mother is angry with the people and removes them from the house. People depart the home during the funeral when some pipes burst and and water sprays everywhere. At the end of the film, Mother sets the home on fire and burns everyone out of the home.

This is symbolic of the cleansing of the earth of evil people in the Bible. During the time of Noah, a flood destroys all the evil human beings on the planet, removing the evil by means of water. The Bible also prophesies that at the end of the world, the world will be burned with fire, destroying evil out of it again.

The Fall of Man

In the Bible, Adam and Eve were given a command to not partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When they did so, they became aware of their own nakedness and covered themselves up with leaves. They also became able to have children. For their disobedience, God banishes them from the garden of Eden and He seals it off so that they can't go back inside.

In Mother!, We see the study, where a special crystal is kept, that Him tells Man and Woman not to touch. Man and Woman disobey and break the crystal. When they do so, they are kicked out of the study and Him boards it up so that they can't get back inside. Immediately following the breaking of the crystal, Man and Woman go into another room to have sex. Later, when Mother knocks on the door, Woman answers and she is wearing underwear with a leaf pattern. Shortly after, Man and Woman's two children arrive at the house.

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